EVENTO > Neurotoxicity Society and International Neurotoxicology Association

Data do Evento:
24 Maio de 2017

Local do Evento:

Neurotoxicity Society and
International Neurotoxicology Association
May 20-24, 2017, Florianopolis, Brazil
The International Neurotoxicology Association (INA) will meet together with the Neurotoxicity Society (NTS) May 20-24, 2017 in Florianopolis, Brazil. This will be will be a great opportunity to meet with neurotoxicology researchers from around the world with converging interests concerning mechanistic research of toxic impacts on the nervous system to present and discuss the latest research results. Florianopolis, is a vibrant, culturally abundant city on the coast of south Brazil. It is home to the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, which has a considerable research effort in neurotoxicology. The aim of both INA and NTS is to unite basic and clinical scientists in neurotoxicology to increase understanding of processes, mechanisms, and outcomes of
neurotoxicity and treatment to facilitate the advance of preclinical research discoveries to clinical and medical utility. There will be a variety of symposia by both societies from cellular and molecular through translational to clinical and epidemiological topics. There will also be ample opportunity for individual presentations at platform and poster sessions. Student and post-doc travel awards will be available.
Please send an abstract of your recent neurotoxicology research for presentation at INA + NTS meeting.
The word limit is 400 words. The deadline is March 1, 2017. Indicate presentation preference of platform, poster or either. Email the abstracts to Ed Levin at edlevin@duke.edu. Website: Neurotoxicology.org
See you there!
Ed Levin, INA President
Tim Greenamyre, University of Pittsburgh. Parkinson disease: At the intersection of genes & environment
Selected Symposium Topics
Developing an integrated testing strategy for developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing using in vitro data to screen and prioritize compounds with high throughput / high content methods
Physiological assessment of sensory toxicity and the role in human risk assessment in the 21st century Interactions of neurotoxicants in neurodegeneration
Neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity: Mechanisms and development of therapeutics
Neuropathology of viral infection
Neurotoxicology of abused and therapeutic drugs: From molecular target to clinical toxicology
Mechanisms for neurodegeneration, neuroprotection and treatment in Parkinson´s disease regulated necrosis and associated non-apoptotic mechanisms in neurotoxicity
Mitochondria-related metabolism leading to neurodegeneration and neuroprotection 
Neuroprotective and/or neurotoxic roles of SUMOylation Metabolic derangements predisposing to neurotoxicity and neurodegenerative disease Advancing mechanistic understanding of neurotoxic contributors to autism
Neurodevelopmental effects of early stress and chemical exposure

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